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"Weeks & Leo has been around for over a century and they carry very high quality products. I have used their Bite & Itch lotion for decades for sunburn, insect bites and poison ivy. It works great and all our family uses it. I highly recommend their products due to quality and efficacy."

-- Larry Pell, Minnesota

"I have been using the Healthy For Life brand Omega 3-6-9 product and I am very surprised that I do not get any food cravings. I use Q10, vitamins and minerals for supplements. Normally I will feel pain in my nerves and go nuts if I don't eat, but with the Omega 3-6-9 product, I can go on and on and on without any food cravings. The only time I ever lost weight without food cravings was with a diet from a tuna and grapefruit diet, which was a high protein, low carb diet. I lost 60 lbs. over two months but that was a little bit too much tuna! I believe the tuna must have had some essential oils. The Omega 3-6-9 product gives me the freedom to eat anything I want with anyone, whenever, and all I have to do is cut back when I want to trim on down. Thank you!"

-- Cliff