Home / Natural Mineral Supplement 60ct. - 12 Month Supply (12 Bottles)

Natural Mineral Supplement 60ct. - 12 Month Supply (12 Bottles)

Natural Mineral Supplement 60ct. - 12 Month Supply (12 Bottles)

Healthy For Life minerals are easily recognized by your body. Minerals can only be used by our bodies when they are combined with a protein. Albion Labs® created a patented process for joining minerals to protein, called chelation. Healthy For Life only uses Albion Labs® minerals because they are recognized as the finest minerals available. There are no additives or preservatives in our Natural Mineral Supplement. Healthy For Life has carefully crafted our Natural Mineral Supplement to be the best!
Size 60
Regular price: $252.00
Price: $202.00
Healthy For Life minerals are easily recognized by your body. Minerals can only be used by our bodies when they are combined with a protein. Albion Labs® created a patented process for joining minerals to protein, called chelation. Healthy For Life only uses Albion Labs® minerals because they are recognized as the finest minerals available. There are no additives or preservatives in our Natural Mineral Supplement. Healthy For Life has carefully crafted our Natural Mineral Supplement to be the best!

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